Life Preservers Project has formed relationships and donates portions of our proceeds to the following organizations:


Life Preservers Project GEMSGirls Educational & Mentoring Services(GEMS) is the nation’s largest organization empowering girls and young women, ages 12-21, who have experienced sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking to exit the commercial sex industry and develop to their full potential. GEMS is committed to ending commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking of children by changing individual lives, transforming public perception, and revolutionizing the systems and policies that impact sexually exploited youth.

Life Preservers Project Polaris

Polaris Project’s vision is for a world without slavery. Named after the North Star that guided slaves towards freedom along the Underground Railroad, Polaris Project has been providing a comprehensive approach to combating human trafficking and modern-day slavery since 2002. Their National Hotline (Multilingual) is 1-888-3737-888.

Life Preservers Project RestoreRestore NYC is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2004 to provide services for internationally sex trafficked women in New York City. Restore aims to provide safe housing and specialized legal, medical and employment services, as well as optional spiritual activities.